These are the Books in the PAABA Library. SORTED BY AUTHOR.

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Author Title
ABANA 25th Anniversary Conference 1998
ABANA Best of Hammer's Blow - 1973-1998
ABANA (Hans Peot) Plans for Modified Treadle Hammer
Alling, Steve A Blacksmith Sketchbook
Ammen, C. W. Metalcasting
Andrews Jack Edge of the Anvil
Andrews, Jack New Edge of the Anvil
Andrews, Jack Samuel Yellin Metalworker
Ares, Jose Antonio Metal : Forming, Forging, and Soldering Techniques 
Ares, Jose Antonio Blacksmith Hot Techniques and Striking Projects
Arizona Artist Blacksmith Association Most of the Best Tips, Projects, Ideas, Patterns from ABANA Chapter Newsletters
Arnidsson, Greta The Mastermyr Find
Aspery,  Mark The Skills of a Blacksmith, Vol 1.  Mastering the Fundamentals
Aspery,  Mark Skills of the Blacksmith, Vol 2
Aspery, Mark Skills of the Blacksmith, Vol 3
Aspery, Mark Skills of the Blacksmith, Vol 2
Aspin The Backyard Foundry
Bacon, John Elementary Forge Practices
Bailey, Jocelyn The Village Blacksmith
Batson, James Build your own Hydralic Press
Bealer, Alex W. The Art of Blacksmithing
Beardsly, John Landscape for Modern Sculpture
Bergland, Havard The Art of Blacksmithing
Blanca Ornamental Staircases
Blandford, Percy W. Practical Blacksmithing & Metalworking
Blanford, Percy W. Blacksmith Projects
Bodley, Hugh Nailmaking
Bonkovsky, Olaf Ukrainian Blacksmith
Brain, Charles Lewton- Fold Forming
Brant, Cary Demos
Bryson, William Heat Treating Selection and Applications of Tool Steel
Burghhardt, Henry Machine Tool Operations
Campbell, Marian Decorative Ironwork
Cannella, Al 101 Projects for the Novice Blacksmith
Cosira For Small Industries in Rural Areas- Wrought Iron
Cosira Catalog for Drawings for Wrought Iron
Cosira For Small Industries in Rural Areas- Decorative Iron
Dallenmagne, Henry Rene' Decorative Antique Ironwork
Darnell, Jerry Forging Colonial Ironwork
Deas, Alston The Early Ironwork of Charleston
Dewitt, Melvin The Art of the Wheelwright
Drew, J. M Farm Blacksmith
Ffoulkes, Charles The Armourer and His Craft
Flax, Brian Best of the Hammer, Vol I, II, III, IV
Garvin, Gerald The Pennsylvania German Collection
Gaston, Mary Frank Antique Copper
Geerlings, Gerald Wrought Iron in Architecture
Gerfin, W The Blacksmith
Goddard, Wayne $50 Knife Shop
Graften, Carol Theory of Ironwork Design
Guild of Metalsmiths Iron Menagerie
Gwalchmai, Robert Song of the Blacksmith
Handberg, Ejner Shop Drawings of Shaker Iron and Tinwork
Hans, Peot Modified Tredle Hammer
Hasluck, Paul N. Metal Working
Hawley, J.E. The Blacksmith and His Art
Heath, Robert M. How to Make a Blacksmith's Bellows
Hephaistos Metal Design 1999 International
Hephaistos Metal Design 2000 International
Hephaistos Metal Design 2001 International
Hephaistos Metal Design 2002 International
Hephaistos Metal Design 2003 International
Hephaistos Metal Design 2004 International
Hephaistos Metal Design 2006 International
Hetrick, Calvin The Bedford County Rifle and Its Makers
Hoffman, Jerry Shop Drawings for the Blacksmith
Holstrom and Hozford The American Blacksmith
Hrisoulas, Jim The Master Bladesmith, Advanced Studies in Steel
Hrisoulas, Jim The Pattern-Welded Blade, Artistry in Iron
Hughs, Richard and Michael Rowe The Coloring, Bronzing, and Patination of Metal
Jernberg, John Forging
Johnson, Harold Technical Metals
Kauffman, Henry Early American Ironwork
Klucina, Peter Armor
Krenn, Peter The Lawdezeug Haus of Gratz
Kuhn, Fritz Wrought iron
Larson, Norm Art in Iron - Vol. III
Lasanansky, Jennette To Draw, Upset and Weld
Lecoq, Raymond Classic French Wrought Iron
Lietuvos, Kalviai ?
Lister, Raymond The Craftsman in Metal
Lofting, Richard Brazing and Soldering
Ludwig, Oswald A. Metal Work Technology & Practice (Tech. Text)
Mackey, William Ornamental and Enameling
Magaziner, Henry The Golden Age of Ironwork
McCreight, Tim The Complete Metalsmith
McRaven, Charles The Blacksmith's Craft, Primer of Tools
Meilach, Dona Decorative & Sculptural Ironwork
Meilach, Dona Direct Metal Sculpture
Meilach, Dona Fireplace Accessories
Meilach, Dona Ironwork: Dynamic Details
Meilach, Dona The Contemporary Blacksmith
Morrison, Bill and Denise Frochette Manual of Locksmithing
Nagyszalanezy, Sander Tools, Rare and Ingenious
Newmann and Kravic Encyclopedia of American Revolution
NOMMA Metal Finishes Manual
Paine, Malcom The Genral Blacksmith
Paley, Albert Threshold Klein Steel
Parkinson, Peter The Artist Blacksmith
Piesik, Dan Six Part Design Series
Plummer, Don Colonial Wrought Iron, the Sorber Collection
Porter, Michael Gas Burners For Forges, Furnaces and Kilns
Postman, Richard Anvils in America
Postman, Richard Mousehole Forge
Ross, Peter Master Metalsmith
Roy, Dewayne Welding for Arts and Crafts
Runfola, Matthew Patina
Rupert, Bob Fundamentals in Smithing-Replaced with Copy
Russel, Carl P. Firearms, Traps, and Tools of the Mountain Man
Schiffler, Herbert Early Pennsylvania Hardware
Schiffler, Herbert Antique Iron
Schiler, Arlo  Werk and Werkzeug
Schmirler, Otto Fur Den Kunstschmied
Schwartzkopf, Ernst Plain and Ornamental Forging
Sells, S. L. Introduction to Knifemaking
Simmons, Mark & Frank Turley Southwestern Colonial Ironwork
Sims, Lorelei TheBackyard Blacksmith,Traditional Techniques for the Modern Smith, Copy 1
Smith, Elmer Early Ironware
Smith, John Manuel of Blacksmithing
Snyder, Jeffrey B. Ironwork Today, Inside and Out II
Spencer, Clay Fire Hammer Tools
Steines, Adolph Moving Metal - The Art of Chasing and Repousse'
Streeter, Donald Professional Smithing
Streeter, Donald Professional Smithing
Tucker, Ted Practical Projects for the Blacksmith
Tuttle, James Making Camp Gear
Unknown Art in Iron-Vol IV
Unknown Artis Blacksmith Quarterly
Unknown Art in Iron-Vol III
Unknown Blacksmith Shop and Iron Forgery
Unknown Champion Blower and Forge Co., Reproduction Catalog
Unknown Henry Ford Trade School- Trade Therory
Unknown Machinery Reference Book #141- Case Hardening
Unknown New Orleans Decorative Ironwork
Unknown Pennsylvania German Collection, Philadelphia Museum of Art
Unknown Restoration- Metal Museum Gates
Unknown Williamsburg Craft Series- The Blacksmith of the 18th Century
Unknown Tables for the Use of Blacksmiths and Forges
Unknown Tips form the PAABA Library
Unknown Tools from the PAABA Library
Unknown Expose of Reousse for the Beginning Blacksmith
Vlach, John Michael Charleston Blacksmith
Watson, Alden The Village Blacksmith
Weimer, David 25 Years of Knifemaking, Learned the Hard Way
Westover, Ozro The Scientific Steel Warrior
Weygers, Alexander Complete Modern Blacksmith
Weygers, Alexander Complete Modern Blacksmith-Copy 2
Weygers, Alexander Complete Modern Blacksmith, Copy 1
Whitaker, Francis A Blacksmith Craft
Wolf, Fridolin ABC's of Blacksmithing
Zastrow, Nancy Lives Shaped by Steel

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